relationship assessment and coaching

If you have tried traditional therapy and have not gotten the results you want, then you may be ready for something entirely different. Previous client's have reported that Jill's approach to working with couples is refreshing, powerful and very different than traditional couples therapy.
Jill Lillard, MA LPC is a certified Gottman therapist and provides intensive marital therapy utilizing the treatment model and assessment tools of the world renowned Gottman Institute, combined with her signature tool, The Heart Scan.
Jill offers sessions face to face or for those not local, she will meet online via Zoom Conferencing App. Jill also offers Marathon Counseling for those traveling from out of state who would like to do intensive treatment over the course of a weekend. If this is something you are looking for, Jill can custom tailor a weekend after completing the initial assessment.
Time Commitment
If saving your marriage is a priority you will want to be seen regularly and rapidly. Intensive therapy begins with a very comprehensive assessment of the marriage using interview and online assessment. After assessed, a couple can anticipate 90 minute therapy sessions 2 to 4 times a month. Duration can vary based on couples needs, but will be determined at time of assessment.
Jill typically works with a couple 3-12 months and has been a trusted ongoing resource for her couples who want regular "checkups" and "tune-ups." In addition to face to face work, Jill provides her clients with lifetime access to The Couples Vault, an online experience where you can access workbooks, short video lessons and application exercises.
The cost for marital therapy is exponentially cheaper than the cost of a divorce and often does not exceed the national average cost of a family summer vacation. While you may feel this is an expense you cannot afford, marital therapy is a valuable investment in moving toward greater peace, joy and relational clarity. A relationship assessment can be an essential tool in evaluating where your relationship is and where you are going.
The cost for the Initial Assessment is $900* and includes:
- Up to 4 hours of face to face time scheduled in two appointments (interview and feedback session)
- The online Gottman Relationship Assessment (on your own approximately takes 1-2 hours)
- Face to face feedback session
- Relationship summary
- Goals and treatment recommendation
For new client's, Jill's recommendations will include an all inclusive package rather than purchasing subsequent individual session. Because each couple is different and has differing goals and the treatment is not limited to face to face sessions, the cost will be determined during the assessment and included in individual plans which you will receive on your feedback session.
Generally insurance will not pay for marital therapy unless you or your spouse is diagnosed with a mental health disorder and the focus of the treatment is pertaining to the disorder. Requiring marital therapy to be billed under the constraints of one individual limits both the scheduling and intervention. As Jill's interventions are not the treatment of one person's "disorder", all sessions are self pay protecting the integrity of the services offered.
Jill's hourly rate is $150 for a 60 minute sessions or $225 for a 90 minute session. Once you have completed your treatment plan you are eligible to schedule individual appointments with Jill when needed.
*Due to the time commitments required for these sessions and the cost of orderingThe Gottman assessment, payment of one-half of the session fee is expected at the time of scheduling
Jill has tailored her therapy with couples over 20 years to fill in the gaps of what seemed to be lacking. There are 5 things that have substantially increased the effectiveness in her work with couples over the years and sets her work apart from traditional therapy:
1. Certified Gottman Therapist: Though any therapist can provide couples therapy, not everyone has extensive training in couples therapy. Jill's study and certification with the Gottman Institute and implementing the institutes full assessment tool, as well as customization of a treatment plan for each couple, establishes a strong foundation and clear direction for working together.
2. Unrushed Sessions: Over the years, Jill discontinued using the traditional 45-60 minute therapy session in working with a couple as it did not allow time to really dive into a session and complete the process. She has found 90 minutes perfect in opening a discussion, processing and ending the session in a peaceful place.
3. Result Focused: Jill discontinued treating couples session to session, rather focused on getting a result. A result does not happen by responding to "emergencies" in the relationship or only meeting when the couple feels uneasy. Rather change happens when a couple commits to the process which always takes place by zooming out and setting bigger picture goals and direction.
4. Tools To Use At Home In-between Sessions: Jill also found that many couples came to sessions, but their relationship work only seemed to exist session to session. In effect, the couple was in a stop and start mode with creating new connections. To remedy this, Jill provides abundant resources, interventions and tools to utilize outside of sessions so that couples can focus on creating change, growing and learning in between sessions.
5. The Heart Scan Process: In addition to utilizing interventions from the Gottman Institute, Jill provides tools that help individuals manage their mind, process emotions and feel empowered. These tools have been a powerful addition to implementing Gottman interventions. They not only benefit the relationship, they benefit the person as a whole.
Though your results do not come with a guarantee, couples who want to create healing and do the work necessary, show a substantial increase in relationship satisfaction.
Read more regarding the Reliability and Validity of The Gottman Sound Relationship House Scales
Ready to Get Started? Here is how it works:
1. Schedule: Call or text 573-677-4311 to schedule your assessment. You will need to provide us with each person's email and cell phone number. Jill will book a 3 hour appointment with her and send you individual links to consent to treatment and secure payment so that we can order your individual assessments and hold your appointment.
2. Consent and pay: Once you have submitted your payment information, we will run your card for $450 (half of the cost) and place the order for your online assessment with The Gottman Institute. Your invite will come to each of your emails from The Gottman Institute. Once you accept your invitation, you can create a private profile.
3. Complete online assessment. NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with this tool, you can find more information by scrolling to the bottom of this page. You and your partner will each complete the assessment at your convenience at least 48 hours prior your appointment. You can stop and start at anytime. Neither partner will be able to access the other’s information at any point in the process. In order to pre-serve the integrity and accuracy of the tool, you are encouraged not to share your responses with each other or log in to your partner’s account. The actual time it takes to complete each assessment varies, but it will take, on average, about an hour.
4. Attend your interview. Your 3 hour block of time with Jill will be spent together as a couple and individually. The goal of the appointment is to gather information and a deeper understanding of your relationship.
5. Attend Feedback Session. After completing the online portion of your assessment and attending the interview, Jill will schedule a one hour follow up appointment to give you feedback on the analysis of your relationship. Jill will discuss the results with you and suggest a customized treatment plan for improving and strengthening your relationship. She will provide you with written reports outlining this information.
6. Make A Decision. After you receive feedback, you get to decide if you would like to move forward with the customized recommendations. After completing the assessment you have 30 days to make your decision otherwise a new assessment would be required.
More about the Gottman Online Assessment
A Gottman Institute's online assessment automatically scores a couple’s strengths and challenges.This clinical tool consists of 480 questions about friendship, intimacy, how well you know your partner, how you manage emotions and conflict, how you share your values and goals, and what gives meaning to your lives.There are additional questions about parenting, housework, finances, trust, and individual areas of concern.
The questionnaire is completely confidential, fully HIPAA compliant, and your therapist will be the only person to see your responses.The Gottman Relationship Checkup is a breakthrough in couple’s therapy as it allows for a confidential, efficient way for your clinician to complete the evaluation process.By using this new technology, your assessment can be done at any time and in the setting of your choice! Upon completion, it automatically provides valuable clinical information by pinpointing specific strengths and challenges in your relationship, while also suggesting actionable, research-based recommendations for therapy.
You can feel confident in your results. Drs. John and Julie Gottman created this research-based assessment in collaboration with The Gottman Institute to help couples build a personalized treatment plan with their therapist.Dr. John Gottman is a clinical psychologist who has completed more than 40 years of research on couple relationships, and is recognized as one of the top 10 most influential therapists of the last quarter century.Dr. Julie Gottman is a highly respected clinical psychologist who is sought internationally by the media and clinical organizations as an expert advisor on relationships.Together, they have dedicated their lives to helping couples, and The Gottman Relationship Checkup is the result of this life work.